Horny Rocket Scientist On The Hook For Hiring A Hooker To Work In A Government Contractor Job Whilst Cleaning His Apartment In The Nude And Giving Him Blow Jibbers

GrashAlex. Getty Images.

A senior scientist working for the US Air Force tricked a military contractor into hiring a sex worker he thought was "hot," according to a recently unsealed search warrant application first published by The Daily Beast.

 Gord, who was married for over 30 years, had really met the woman in Cincinnati and charged her $400-per-hour rate for sex work to his government travel card. According to the Dec. 2019 search warrant application, he also kept a spreadsheet on his government-issued computer called "Burner Log" detailing past relationships with 27 sex workers across the US.

"Many of the 27 women listed on the spreadsheet were foreign nationals from countries considered US national security concerns," an affidavit filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of Ohio said.

After her hiring as an administrative technician at Spectral Energies, Roy told investigators it quickly became clear that the woman was not up to the task, explaining that she "did not fully understand how to use basic word processing and document creation software and struggled to formulate coherent interoffice emails."

When Roy confronted Gord about the woman's incompetence, Gord came clean. He told Roy the woman was a prostitute and that he used his government travel card so his family finances were not visibly affected, according to the special agent's application. Roy then met with an attorney to discuss terminating the woman's employment at her one-year review in Nov. 2018.

First of all, it's sex worker not hooker. I would never say hooker unless it made the headline better. You know that. 

Honestly, this story just keeps going and going and going. It truly is amazing that a dude who was smart enough to be in that position and developing these types of weapons can have it all spoiled because he is so horny. Dont get me wrong. I too have been horny. When I'm horny though, I have sex with someone without paying for it. Pretty cool. More so than not paying for it, I dont get the person I paid for sex a job with the US Government. Why? Because that's just not a great idea no matter how fucking fire the blow jobs are. 

You gotta hear the whole story to believe it and then you still might not believe it. 

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